Seitenpforten |
"Los, mach die Tür schon auf!" "Aber was ist, wenn dahinter etwas gefährliches lauert?" "Wenn du nur rumstehst und zauderst, findest du das nie heraus!"
Friends & Co
Das Tina-Prinzip | Die Homepage von Tina.
Sonst ist da nicht viel zu sagen.
Enjoy! | 200 Klicks |
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Why worry? |
There are only two things to worry about:
Either you're well, or you're sick.
If you're well, there's nothing to worry about.
If you're sick, there are two things to worry about:
Either you get well, or you die.
If you get well, there's nothing to worry about.
If you die, there are only two things to worry about:
Either you go to Heaven, or to Hell.
If you go to Heaven, there's nothing to worry about.
If you go to Hell, you will be so damn busy shaking hands with your friends, you won't have time to worry. |